

  • About

    A range of 3 premium coulis made of 100% natural ingredients.

    Each product contains a minimum of 70% fruit content and a small amount of sugar. No gelling agent, thickener, preservatives or flavours are added.

    Product comes in an easy-to-use squirt bottle with a narrow resealable nozzle.

  • Storage

    Store at -18°C / 0°F. Use within two years of production date. Do not refreeze once defrosted. Store in the refrigerator after opening and use within a few days.

  • Application

    Decoration of plated desserts, desserts in a glass, pastry desserts, cakes, cocktails, accompaniment to yoghurt and fromage blanc, marbling ice cream and sorbets.

  • Packaging

    Frozen. Available in plastic bottles of 500g.

Available Flavours

  • product


  • product

    Exotic Fruits

  • product

    Red Fruits